Compliance Declaration – Record Keeping (18 USC §2257)

Embracing the Standards: Under the umbrella of 18 USC §2257, we’re unveiling our compliance statement, a comprehensive guide to how we operate at SexMag1, aligning with the stipulated requirements.

Navigating the Compliance Waters: We cordially urge any inquiries about §2257 records related to our content to adhere to the regulations, fostering an environment of mutual respect and adherence.

Paving the Way for Transparent Communication with Contributors:

Precision in Verified Uploader Validation: Our stringent compliance blueprint kicks off with verified uploaders, a dynamic community of individuals aged eighteen (18) or above (or the legal age mandated by their respective jurisdictions, countries, or states, if surpassing 18). These dedicated contributors are meticulously vetted upon activating their accounts, granting them the ability to seamlessly upload and share content on

Evidence of Adherence Prior to Uploads: While Sex Mag1 may not be governed by US legal paradigms, our proactive stance echoes our commitment. We meticulously scrutinize each video hosted on our platform, ensuring unwavering alignment with §2257. Every persona showcased in our content boasts an age exceeding eighteen (18) years (or the legally stipulated age for participation, if surpassing 18). Their involvement is rooted in voluntary consent during the content creation phase.

Fostering a Collaborative Space: We extend our gratitude for your collective understanding and cooperation in fostering a digital ecosystem that reveres legal compliance while safeguarding the rights of content creators. Should queries about our procedural blueprint arise, please do not hesitate to connect with our compliance division through the communication channels dotting our site. Our commitment remains steadfast – to curate a secure, respectful, and thoroughly regulation-compliant experience on